
Fast and Practical Neck Pain Tips San Diego CA

Fast and Practical Neck Pain Tips San Diego CA


Cell phone usage and keeping your head in a forward and flexed position for extended periods of time causes and overuse of the muscles of your neck and shoulders and even mid-back.


It typically can lead towards neck pain, mod back pain, shoulder pain, headaches and fatigue.




1.     Use your phone less if possible – try setting aside certain times to go onto social media and texting only if possible, maybe 30 minutes in the begging and ending of each day.

2.     When using your phone, hold the screen UP to your eyes rather than flexing your neck forward to look at the screen.

3.     You can also try lying on your back at certain times if possible to look at your phone while holding your phone up to be level with your eyes. Just don’t drop your phone on your face like I did the other day…turns out it hurts a bit 


Hope this helps!--

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